Writing the story/legend ending (based on Beowulf)
Shape: Reasoning with 3D shapes (focus on shape nets)
Shape: Reasoning with 3D shapes (part 1)
Shape: regular and irregular polygons
Reading Lesson-the Ending of Michael Morpurgo's Beowulf and writing a book review
Writing the resolution to a story/legend (based on Beowulf).
Writing a problem to a story/legend based on Beowulf.
Shape: Calculating lengths and angles in shapes (quadrilaterals)
Reading Development-problem and resolution of Michael Morpurgo's Beowulf
Quadrilaterals: types and properties
The planets in our solar system.
Writing a story build up based on the Beowulf legend.
Looking at the build up in Michael Morpurgo's Beowulf.
Writing an introduction to a story (a legend based on Beowulf)
Shape: Angles around a point
Shape: Calculating angles on a line
Planning a story (legend based on Beowulf)
Shape: compare and order angles
Shape: Identifying Angles
Introduction to Michael Morpurgo's Beowulf
Space Topic Lesson 1-Spherical Bodies
Beowulf's Boasts-Writing a speech as Beowulf
Writing a character description of Beowulf or Grendel
Sequencing the key events in the story, Beowulf.
Beowulf-reading and understanding the text
Anglo Saxon Kings
Using Purple Mash to design a website page.
What would Jesus Do? Giving advice based on the teachings of Jesus.
Planning and writing an independent diary text
Diary writing part 2 (focus on using present and future tenses)
Writing the first part of a diary-introduction sentence and main event.
Anglo Saxon Conversion to Christianity
Learning how to use brackets for parenthesis
Chapter 17 of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Anglo-Saxon religion and different Gods
Learning about different tenses and using them in our writing.
Grammatical features of a diary text
Writing a non-chronological report about Anglo-Saxon daily life
Identifying features of a diary
Suffixes (-ate, -ify and -ise)
Anglo-Saxon Village Life
Chapter 16 of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (VIPERS Questions and task)
Looking at Free-Verse poetry and analysing poems for poetic devices.
Taking a look at place value charts, part-whole model (partitioning) and moving on to short division (bus-stop) methods.
Exploring the advantages and disadvantages of internet research
Exploring different poetic devices, including simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration, repetition, hyperbole
Revision of the prefixes: de, mis, re, over and dis
Reading development lesson based on Chapter 14 of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (focusing on prediction).
Lesson on creating an Anglo-Saxon Timeline-looking at the key events in the Anglo-Saxon reign in Britain
Modelling the expanded method of long multiplication and long multiplication
Putting the final story together and discussing how to proof-read and edit our work.
The Story of Zacchaeus the tax collector
Looking at and modelling how to write the resolution and ending to our story based on 'The Fox' picture.
Looking at how to create tension in writing and modelling writing the problem paragraph for our story about 'The Fox'
Modelling how to solve 2-digit x 2-digit calculations using grid method, expanded method and long multiplication.
Sketching an Anglo-Saxon helmet.
Completing a boxed-up plan for our short story based on 'The Fox'
Modelling using grid method to multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number. APOLOGIES for the poor sound quality!
This reading development lesson is based on Chapter 13 of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Modelling a character and setting description based on the picture, 'The Fox'
Introduction to the new topic: What would Jesus do? Discussing Jesus's teachings and parables. Introduction to the Good Samaritan.
As this is a slightly new method, I have made an additional video on this which you may find useful this week with your multiplication method.
Apologies for the poor sound quality throughout (it dips in and out a bit). I hope you are able to follow along!
The Fox-questions on a reading extract and picture.
Talking through the Modal Verb PowerPoint and the tasks for the assigned literacy lesson on 20/11/20
A video to talk you through the expectations for writing your biography. I will also take you through the feedback sheet to check your work once you have finished.
Literacy lesson to take you through a boxed up plan for writing a biography.
Reading lesson on the extract from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
A video to go with the SPAG lesson (13/11/20) on connecting adverbs/adverbials
Here are two examples of limericks and an explanation of how to create them.
Here is a modelled example of writing the start a diary about a creepy house. This includes the features you should try to include.
An example of a diary entry spending a night in a creepy house.
Follow along, pause and go back as you learn how to draw a cartoon tiger.
Watch this video recipe for how to make cheese savouries. Ingredients needed: 4 ounces of flour, 3 ounces of hard cheese, 2 ounces of margarine/spread, a pinch of salt, one egg and a small amount of mustard. Have a go at making these tasty snacks yourself and try writing out the recipe! This video helps with baking skills, maths (measuring mass & converting between imperial and metric measures) and gives a writing opportunity.
All about the hidden cities of the Ancient Maya in Central America.